Monday, December 14, 2009

Tuesday Luncheons

Beginning this month of December, Aqua is hosting luncheons 11.30-1.30PM at our studio. We've invited 100 local businesses along 96th street, Allisonville Rd, and 82nd St to attend our first Luncheon. The lunch will be provided by el Torito Grill this month and we'll be providing mini massages, eyebrow waxes, and anti-aging eye treatments for our guests as well. We are selling gift cards and promoting buy one get one free of any studio service.

We look forward to meeting our fellow community businesses!

Creating Eyelids in Japan

Ebi with her double Eyelids

Our American Beauty Culture stretches far and wide, Thanks to a friend of mine Azusa Uraoka for introducing me to EyePutti. The Japanese have been influenced by our look that now they have create a product that creates the look of a double eyelid for those that can't afford the plastic surgery to permanently change their lids. Azusa told me the eyelid surgery is the biggest trend in plastic surgery in Japan today. Their entertainment stars such as Ebi Chan have this double lid look that is so desired. It is interesting that they focused on this trait, looking at the before and after photos it is almost too small of a difference for me to notice. I asked Azusa if she would ever use the EyePutti product, she said she wouldn't and that it is ridiculas that young people are interested to do so.

EyePutti Website:

Azusa & Ayaka - Real Japanese Women!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Results are IN!

Our canned food drive was successful, we had 63 cans donated! We'll have the drive again next year, we look forward to doubling this number next year! Thanks so much everyone!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Free Monthly Class

Beginning this month, I will provide a free skin care class each month. The class will last 6.30-7.30pm. Each class will have education and a demonstration. After the classes, I will provide great deals on services and sometimes on products depending on the topic of the class. This is a great chance to learn more about your skin and demistify skin care!


Glowing Skin for the Holidays
December 8th, Tuesday

We will be discussing what exact is Microdermabrasion and Chemical Peels. Everyone in the class will experience the difference on their hands. It is important to understand the benefits and how to maintain the results. Although these treatments are agressive the discomfort is little to none!

1st Microderm service $75
Microderm & Peel Facial $120
Microderm & Peel Facial $360 Series of 3

January 26th, Pigmentation & Sun Damage
Febuary 23rd, Rosecea
March TBA , Products/Ingredients + Buzz Words
Saturday, Nov. 28th Thanksgiving Weekend
We are open 9-4

The Thanksgiving Service Menu:
$15..... eyebrow wax
$20.... 20 min. Reflexology
$20.... 20 min. Scalp, Neck, Shoulder Massage
$20.... Antioxidant Eye & Lip Treatment
$60.... 30 min. Peel Facial
$50.... 30 min. Microdermabrasion Facial
$40.... 30 min. Hydrating Facial

These deals last one day only
Call now to make your appointment!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Food Drive - Free EyeBrow Wax

November is our Food Drive Month!

All New Clients bring 5 non-parishable food items and recieve a free eyebrow wax! I hope we'll get at least 2,500lbs of food. The food will be donated to Gleaners Food Bank, our central Indiana food bank. All current clients will recieve $1 off per item of food brought in, up to $5 off their service. According to the gleaners website, poverty has increased 50% since last year. Come on out and Help your neighbors and bring your non-parishables!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The 411 on SPF

There is lots of confusing information on SPFs. The curious factor is that 60% of my clients aren't wearing an SPF on a regular basis. It's amazing how much that I recommend the product and they believe that their make up provides enough coverage or since they aren't in direct sun light it isn't an issue. Listen to me when I tell you SPF is a big deal; I'd say it is one of the top three important anti-aging products and one of the top 2 in skin cancer protection! I'm not condemning anyone, I didn't use SPF for many years. But now that I know the science I wouldn't leave my house in a blizzard without it!

Its important to understand exactly what our skin needs protection from. An easy and quick way to understand the difference of UVA and UVB,
UVA are aging rays. UVB are burning rays.
For those of you so concerned with your Vitamin D absorption or in my opinion looking for an excuse not to use SPF. Lets be clear, for Vitamin D7 to synthesis, UVB ultraviolet light must be absorb into the skin. According to wikipedia, only 10-15 minutes 2 times per week on bare skin with out SPF is required for the synthesis to take place. But this absorption doesn't need to take place on the face; our arms, legs, any other body parts can do the job. Once passing the health benefits of the sun, it is beyond critical not to burn our skin especially our faces. When we burn, we've damaged our skin by causing inflammation which causes stress and damage on our collagen & elastin. We dehydrate the skin, which decreases our natural defence. Both cause damage to our skins cellular DNA, which can cause cancer and wrinkles. UVA rays make up 95% of the rays hitting our planet, therefore any SPF without specific protection is junk. Even if you are a person that works in an office and doesn't usually go into direct sunlight you are at risk.
UVA rays are produced in tanning beds, fluorescent lights, and they penetrate through the windows of our cars.
We are constantly bombarded by UVA, if aging isn't your concern protecting yourself from skin cancer should be at least.

what do use?
The factor of protection is often questioned. People see millions of SPF's in the stores and even checking the bottles can be exhausting. Look for a Broad Spectrum SPF. Using a SPF with Titanium Dioxide and Zinc the the best natural forms of full spectrum if parabens are an issue for you or if breakouts are an issue.

Here's a little guide:
SPF 20 - Great for the winter
SPF 30 - Summer daily life
SPF 30 water-proof - Exercising outside (*don't forget to apply to your necks)
SPF 45 - Beach full sun exposure

SPF in your makeup provides zero assurance that you have enough protection. Especially mineral powders can wear off during the day leaving you more acceptable to UVA. And moisturizers again can not guarantee enough protection, most likely there is only UVB protection at most. It is important to be a savvy shopper, I understand buy professional products can be pricey. When you buy the product from a licenced individual you are guaranteed the ingredients are what is said on the package. There are great SPF's that are over the counter, remember SPF can oxidize therefore there are expiration dates. No more than 9 months I would say. The container should be non penetrable by light as well. Use your broad spectrum SPF daily, it should be your final step in your AM routine!

Monthly Event

Once a month, I'll be at Loon Lake Lodge. I'd like to encourage you to attend. These events are held by different organizations. I will be providing a variety of complimentary services: skin analysis, eyebrow waxing, etc. A massage therapist will be accompanying me as well.

Nov. 12th 6-9pm
Support St. Jude's Hospital

Loon Lake Lodge
6880 E 82nd St
Castleton, IN 46250-1508
(317) 845-9011

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall into Resurfacing

What I love about the fall is the smells. Spice, pumpkin, dried leaves...its a wonderful time of the year. Coming out of the summer with some sun damage on your chest or if you suffer from dry skin as the weather begins to get cold, I have found an awesome product. Arcona 10% glycolic acid Pumpkin Lotion is amazing. The scent is wonderful, unlike many resurfacing lotions. But don't let it fool you, if you use the product too often it can make you flaky. It is a treatment lotion that resurfaces your skin. If you suffer from kerotosis pilaris, those ugly red bumps on the back of your arms or sometimes on your legs, this product kicks its butt!


Retin-A vs. Retinol

You may have heard both of these terms flying around Retin-A and Retinol. They are buzz words under the Anti-aging umbrella. Believe it or not, good Anti-aging science is pretty new even though the concept has been around forever. It is important to realize anti-aging is multifaceted, of course products are necessary and helpful. Remember burning your skin or sun damage on a regular basis, your diet, smoking,& drinking alcohol are aging factors that we do to ourselves. Although, genetics does play a role in our aging; if we aren't genetically blessed to look 30 when we're 50 then its important to avoid causing our own aging! Let's be realistic, there isn't a miracle in a jar that will ever make us look 20 again. But by taking proper care of our skin we can age gracefully. We are going to make you the best looking you!

What exactly do these products do?

This product can be bought over the counter and from your dermatologist. If you purchase this from your dermatologist you are buying a product with a higher percentage of the active ingredient than the over the counter products. Retin-A is a Vitamin A derived product. The reason this is so anti-aging is because the vitamin A helps to speed up the cell turn over process. As we age our cell turn over begins to slow down. This is when you may notice a dullness or an increase of dehydration in the skin. When the cells are removed regularly any hydrating or antioxidant product actually has a better percentage rate of effectiveness. Without removing our dead cells, these often expensive products are wasted. Retin-A is probably in the same category as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA's). They work on the epidermis(surface), by removing the dead cells. Retin-A is just a much stronger ingredient than AHA's.

This is also a Vitamin A derived product. The difference is that the chemical make up is different. Retinol is absorbed and reacts to chemical changes in the skin that transform retinol into retinoic acid. The molecule is smaller which allows it to penetrate the epidermis and react at the dermis. At the dermis, the product stimulates collagen production and begins to help heal damaged cell from the inside out. The cell turn over is increased, but Retinol doesn't REMOVE dead cells. Remember Retin-A, AHA's, and scrubs (all of different strengths) remove dead cells. In actuality these products have the derivative of Vitamin A as the common trait, but they do different jobs.

Which one is best for you?
This question can be tricky. If anti-aging is your concern, my person recommendation would be Retinol. Exfoliation, which is just good skin care, I'd recommend Retin-A, AHA's, and a scrub. A scrub is universal, everyone should use a scrub if they aren't sensitive. Retin-A's can be very helpful for acne skin, sluffing the skin to get the blemish out quicker than our own natural sluffing is helpful in the healing process. Either way it is important to discuss what is best for your individual skin with a licenced esthetician.

October 17th, Pink Party

All details for our Pink Party have been finalized. After some research I found the Pink Ribbon Connection. We decided to partner up with them because they are a local group in central Indiana, this is where we live and we want to support our local women's groups. A portion of our proceeds will be donated to the PRC.

Who or What is the Pink Ribbon Connection?
Their mission is to provide newly diagnosed breast cancer patients with information and resources to support them in their journey. PRC has created an according file system that helps woman organize the mounts of paper information they'll receive. The founders are breast cancer survivors that understand the fear and struggle, their goal is to provide the support to lessen the burden. These file folders are dropped off in doctors' offices to be given to women upon diagnosis. Other support they provide are referrals to other local organizations for specific needs of patients. And they pair patients up with a survivor that they can talk to as much as they need. They can ask the questions about what will happen to them, how to talk to their children about the cancer, how to talk to their families about it. Its a support system that lets the woman know she isn't alone.

How can you help?
Attend! Be apart of our celebration. We are celebrating survivors so that we can help newly diagnosed women! Besides the day of our event, we are excepting donations the entire month of October. Pink Ribbon Connection is that group that helps women, they've been diagnosed, now where do they go from here. We are very excited to partner up with this PRC!

PINK PARTY > October 17th, saturday 9-4pm
$35 mini facials
$50 mini microderm
$10 eye treatments
$20 hand/foot treatments with reflexology
$25 neck, back, & shoulder massage 20 mins.

*Bring a survivor and they'll receive a complimentary express facial

Book Now! 578-7877

Friday, September 4, 2009

Retexturing Activator

Skinceuticals Newist Product: August 2009
We just got this product in and I really like it. I didn't notice results when i first began using this product. I checked in with our rep. and she said it take a few days. The resurfacing seems pretty extencial but the buffer of the hydration helps alot. It was nice to put a product on my face that wasn't drying me out. This product can be used AM & PM. I like to use it PM, because it takes the place of my retinol or AHA on my off nights.

*p.s. to my clients from woodhouse, now that I'm using Skinceuticals they don't like to provide us with samples. It really stinks! But I will work with you if you are interested in an product the best I can!

Up Coming Events

This is a list of our next few parties/events. Each month we like to make a special day to give back to our clients and have a great time! Please feel free to contact me at the spa with any questions or wish to set up your appointment: 317-578-7877

Peels & Botox Party
Sept. 23rd, wednesday

Botox - $10 per unit
Juvederm - $400 per syringe

Peels - $40
Lactic, Glycolic, & Salicylic - A gentle procedure with no down time that improves and smoothes the texture of the facial skin by removing its damaged outer laters.

*The Botox & Juvederm is administrated by Tina Sizemore a nurse practionar that is a trainer through the Botox company.

Pink Party
Oct. 17th, saturday

Mini Facials - $35
Mini Microderm - $50
Eye Treatment - $10

Hand & Foot Treatments w/ Reflexology - $20
Mini Neck, Back, & Shoulders (20 mins) - $25

*All new clients that are survivors or battling breast cancer are invited to receive a complimentary express facial (30 mins)
Profits go to Susan G. Kommen foundation.

Holiday Bazaar
Nov. 14th, saturday

Details coming soon!

Monday, August 31, 2009

1 yr. Anniversary

The Aqua Aesthetics Studio celebrate our first year Anniversary. There was a great turn out. All products were on sale for 15% off, if you brought a friend they received a complimentary eye treatment or 15 min. reflexology, and every purchase of $100 in gift certificate the purchaser receives a microderm treatment! We partied to a DJ and mingled with our clients. A very cool part, all our guests arrived in style and walked the red carpet while our paparazzi took their photos! We are excited for our next year!

The Studio

Welcome to Aqua Aesthetics Studio!
I work from this studio as of July 2009. The studio is dedicated to results drivin skin care, as am I. I'd like to invite you to the spa for a service, all first time guests will recieve 20% off their first visit! This is a fantastic discount. Our prices at the studio are very reasonable for the quality of the service and products that you'll experience. We use Skinceuticals, which is a medical grade line. And we use True, our natural line. It is exciting to join a great team of experienced women, the owner Ashley Reiners is very knowledgeable with over 8 years of esthetic experience. Although, the studio is small; we are growing, we celebrated our 1st year anniversary this past weekend. The turn out was impressive! I look forward to the growing my clientele here and being happy coming to work every day and loving what I do!

Services I provide:

Full Body Waxing
Eye Brow & Lash Tinting
Body Wraps & Scrubs
*we use bubalina products for our body treatments.

Often our skin goes through many changes in our lives, everything from adolescence, pregnancy, sun damage, to maturing/aging skin; this can be tricky to self treat. If you have questions, I am more than happy to provide a complimentary skin analysis to discuss your concerns and treatment options. This can be highly effective for teen children also, I've experienced that they tend to listen to someone else other than their parents regarding skin care.

Please check to the right for my schedule, I look forward to seeing you!